Monday November 2 at 7pm: "Over their Dead Bodies" [CAS rm B36]
Tuesday November 3 at 7pm: "This Palestinian Life" [CAS rm B36]
Wednesday November 4 at 7pm: "Welcome to Hebron," Followed by comments from American-Israeli Activist Bekah Wolf from the Palestine Solidarity Project ( [CAS rm 224]
---------------------------------------------------------Bekah Wolf is an American Jew with Israeli citizenship who has worked inthe Occupied Palestinian Territories since 2003. She is the internationalcoordinator for the Palestine Solidarity Project, a Palestinianorganization dedicated to organizing and supporting popular, unarmedresistance to the occupation based in the village of Beit Ommar. She isspeaking on behalf of the PSP committee, a group of Palestinian men andwomen (all of whom were prevented from traveling to the United States tospeak themselves), including her husband and recent political prisoner,Mousa Abu Maria.